Looking Past Visual Learning to Self-Quizzing

I’m Shaams Nur, a 9th grader from Birmingham, Alabama. My goal during quarantine is to experiment with 15 study methods over the next 100 days.

Shaams Nur
2 min readJun 8, 2020

Week 7 Day 6 — Visual Learning

Visual learning has been 100% more effective than auditory learning.

Although I wasn’t sure whether or not drawing out the concepts would end up being effective for me, it was actually more helpful than taking handwritten notes. The reason visual learning didn’t earn a 10/10 this week is that I know there are certain aspects of the method that can be improved upon. For example, it takes me slightly longer to draw out the concepts instead of writing out. I wonder if typing out my notes on a document would’ve been effective and raised the overall rating of visual learning.

“Visual learning has been 100% more effective than auditory learning.”

With that being said, visual learning has won the Battle of the Senses!

My final overall rating of visual learning: 9.5/10

Current study method leaderboard:

  1. Feynman Notebook Method (9.9/10)
  2. Studying in the morning (9.5/10)



Shaams Nur

Freshman at UCLA | Creative writer | Founder of HooverCamp |